Member-only storyIndex: Philosophy and Theory—Xi ChenMy best stories and essays.Xi Chen·FollowJun 30, 2021--ShareThe Value of Matthew Arnold’s “Literature and Dogma”On theology, and criticizing biblical language.medium.comWhat Freud’s Forgotten Case Study Can Teach Us About LoveRe-interpreting “Dora,” an investigation of social norms.medium.comFriedrich Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Morality, Explained.An analysis of his criticism of Judeo-Christian morality.medium.comWhat You Need To Know About Dialectical TheoryA Comparison of Hegel’s Idealism and Marx’s Historical Materialism.medium.comWhy I’m teaching myself HeideggerOn existentialism, angst, and memory.xi-chen.medium.comReturn to table of contents:Welcome to My Profile! These are My Best Stories:Scroll down for my latest